"We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect." — Anaïs Nin

Maybe I'll change someone's world with these words. You never know.

Friday, April 29, 2011

baby crinkle tag toy

The other day, I was browsing around some of my favorite blogs, and I came across THIS post about a crinkly tag toy. I have always wanted to make some of these and I happen to know an adorable miss Clairebear that loves to chew on tags right now. So, I hopped on over to the tutorial for the baby crinkle square, and WENT TO TOWN with it!

There are only five tag toys, I just had a great time taking pictures of them. I'm HOOKED!
Best new babyshower gift EVER.


L said...

Ash, these are AWESOME! My grandma bought me one from Nordstrom when Savannah was born, and paid $25 for an 18" square. The kids LOVED them for a really long time, and I think that if you found an outlet, you could easily sell tons of them!

You're so talented. :) I wish I could do the things that you do. ♥

L said...

Maybe it was only 12 inches. I'll have to find it and look. :)